relevant advertising by Forsman&Bodenfors
Forsman & Bodenfors is hard to find information about as they only talk on behalf of brands, so everything I talk about here comes from my own perception of the brand.
They are a Swedish company responsible for some of the most striking and beautiful ad videos out there.
No matter what brand they advertise they are going to bring a positive message: Volvo comes to them, they’re going to make an advert about the new subscription car promoting the boycott of over-consumption; H&M comes to them, they are going to make adverts about diversity and self acceptance for the 2016 campaign and about sustainability promoting H&M clothes-recycling program; Uber comes to them, they make an advert about car pooling and how it could fix Asia’s disastrous traffic and pollution situation; Sleek (make up) comes to them and they make a beautiful advert about these people I use to judge on the street for caking layers on and tell their side of the story; Herbal Essence (shampoo) comes to them and they make an advert about 4 women who made radical decision about their hair and how it affected their lives and the way people perceived them. In all of these ads, they tackled racial, sexual, cultural and personal issues without even making it the focus of the video. They incarnate the change in our society. They say : the time of discussion and negotiation is over, change is here, let’s embrace and welcome it.
Of course it is going to be argued that they did all of that while trying to sell things and encouraging capitalism and consumption, but the thing is capitalism is here, brands are here and fighting it is a waste of time. The smart thing to do, is look at society as it is, and figure out how you can use what’s there to induce positive change. That is exactly what they are doing.